Alternative medicine recipes are still actively used in the treatment of various health problems. In the early stages of prostatitis, home remedies are sufficient. But if the moment is missed, and the problem is already aggravated by concomitant complications, you will need to use pharmacological drugs.
Classification and main symptoms
Prostatitis is the development of inflammatory processes in the prostate. The main source of pathology is a violation of the blood supply to the muscles and tissues of the small pelvis or their infection.

The main symptoms that help identify the disease:
- Frequent need to urinate.
- Cutting pain when going to the toilet or ejaculating.
- Small purulent inclusions contained in the urine.
- Erectile dysfunction (impotence).
The acute form is accompanied by signs of an inflammatory process in the body: general lethargy and weakness, hyperthermia, headache.
The disease has a specific classification:
- Acute form of bacterial prostatitis.
- Chronic bacterial disease.
- Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis.
- Inflammatory prostatitis, asymptomatic.
In turn, non-bacterial lesions are divided into 2 categories - inflammatory and non-inflammatory.
In the early stages of the disease, symptoms are subtle and short-lived, but if you don't take action to treat and prevent prostatitis, the symptoms become progressive with severe pain and frequent erectile dysfunction.
You can confirm or deny the suspicion of a prostate problem by contacting a doctor (urologist) who will perform a number of diagnostic studies, offer to answer a few test questions, prescribe treatment if necessary, and advise on prevention methods. .
The causes of the disease
The prerequisites for the development of prostatitis are different and depend on the lifestyle. Men at a young age quite often notice erectile dysfunction after stress, for example, during a college session or when having problems at work.
A large percentage of patients diagnosed with prostatitis are overweight, which contributes to poor circulation in the pelvic area. There is stagnation of blood, an increase in the size of the prostate. As a rule, the declared processes contribute to the formation of inflammation in the surrounding tissues and organs.
Last but not the least is the development of prostatitis due to trauma to the pelvic organs. In case of damage, a partial or complete violation of the blood supply occurs (rupture of blood vessels, their violation). An insufficient level of physical activity (sedentary work of drivers, office workers) leads to stagnation of blood and damage to organs and tissues of the small pelvis.
Inflammatory processes in surrounding organs and tissues, for example, in the rectum, pass to the prostate. Prostatitis develops as a complication of frequent exacerbations of genitourinary infections and venereal diseases.
Home therapy
Alternative medicine has an impressive list of recipes in its arsenal. Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies should be complex, since the reasons for its development are varied. The course should include sedative herbal preparations, anti-inflammatory herbal preparations and, of course, products that increase potency.
Topical application of leeches is one of the most effective methods of improving blood circulation in the pelvic area, but not all patients take this step. In the early stages of pathology, some recipes are able to independently solve the male problem of prostatitis, while others play the role of an auxiliary treatment method against the background of basic drug therapy.
Essential oils and preparations from various vegetable raw materials are used in herbal medicine: hemlock, hazelnut, pear, celandine, chestnut, Kalanchoe and others.
Onion peel
For the treatment of prostatitis in men, a decoction of onion peels is used successfully. It is not difficult to prepare: the raw materials should be washed, put in a saucepan, and filled with water. Boil for 5 minutes and let stand for an hour. The resulting broth should be filtered and consumed three times a day, half a teaspoon.
The drug is prepared as follows:
- Peel and slice 5 medium garlic cloves.
- Pour the resulting oatmeal with boiling water (half a liter).
- Insist during the night.
- Be sure to filter the infusion before taking it.
- Should be taken in a quarter glass before breakfast and dinner.
This medicine takes effect after 4 to 5 days. In this case, the treatment should not be interrupted, it should last about a month.
The positive effect of garlic in prostatitis is not due to the effect on potency, but the ability to clean the blood vessels. It is thanks to this that the blood flow to all organs and tissues of the small pelvis improves.
Tar harvested from birch is known in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties. With prostatitis, the substance can be used as a rectal mixture and tar water.
The rectal mixture is prepared as follows: it is necessary to warm the raw material a little and introduce a few drops of propolis tincture into it. A small amount of the resulting composition is injected into the anus at night. It is necessary to be treated for about 2 months.
To prepare tar water, you need to dissolve birch tar in water in a ratio of 1: 8. This solution is brought to a boil and cooked for 5 minutes. The drug should be infused in a tightly closed jar in a dark place (2 days). During this time, a foam forms on the surface of the tar water, which must be removed, and the contents of the jar itself are poured into another storage container.
You should drink half a glass of water half an hour before a meal. The course of treatment is only 10 days, then it is recommended to take a break for the same duration and repeat the treatment. After that, after 20 days - ten days of drinking water again. If it is necessary to resume the medication, this can only be done after a year.
Aspen bark
The dried and shredded aspen bark should be placed in a pot of 1 liter by 1 third. Complete with water. In this form, the mixture is infused for 2 weeks. You need to take a filtered medicinal infusion in 1 tbsp. L. three times per day. Since the composition is very bitter, you can try to sweeten it with honey.
Honey and aloe
A mixture of honey, aloe and red wine is used as a remedy for prostatitis. In equal amounts, you need to take the juice of aloe leaves and honey (for example, 500 g each) and pour a bottle of dry red wine. Insist for 5 days in a dark place. The received drug is taken for a month, 1 tbsp 2-3 times a day. After a week, the treatment can be repeated.

Ginseng is renowned for its anti-aging properties which affect the whole body as a whole, including the prostate. Tincture can be purchased at a drugstore or prepared at home on your own. 1 part of ginseng leaves or root is 10 parts of 50% alcohol. For the treatment of prostatitis, you need to take 20 drops once a day. But this remedy also has contraindications. It is best not to use it if you are prone to insomnia and high blood pressure.
Herbal decoctions
In folk medicine there are several quite effective herbal preparations:
- The most effective recipe using herbs for the treatment of prostatitis is to collect nettle, birch, lingonberry, horsetail, sage, cinquefoil and wormwood from the foliage. Vegetable raw materials should be mixed in equal quantities and boiled in water for 15 minutes. Leave on for 2-3 hours. You need to drink the infusion three times a day after eating a quarter of a glass.
- Another collection of herbs is not inferior in its positive properties: birch buds, milk thistle, calamus root, celandine, cuff, chamomile, field ivy, flaxseed, wheatgrass, hawthorn berries. The method of preparation and dosage of use are similar to the first recipe. Lemon is added to tea for flavor.
In addition to all the herbal remedies listed, the treatment of prostatitis at home is carried out with special devices (massagers) that have a magnetic, vibratory or electric effect.
Coniferous baths
As an additional remedy for prostatitis during the main treatment, it is recommended to take pine baths. This price for water treatments is available in pharmacies. According to the instructions on the label, you need to bring a certain amount of dry raw materials to a boil and add the concentrated solution to a bath filled with lukewarm water. There should be enough liquid to sit in it. This procedure should be done every night before going to bed until the water cools (15 minutes). You do not need to sit in a cold bath: this leads to excessive hypothermia.
Physical exercises
Exercise is extremely beneficial for a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting in a desk for 8 hours, even in a comfortable chair, disrupts the blood supply in the small pelvis, which leads to stagnant processes. Specially selected sets of exercises speed up blood and improve blood supply to tissues and organs. It should be borne in mind that playing sports will not have a positive effect on bacterial prostatitis.
To combat the problem under consideration, a set of special exercises has been developed:
- Squats - 100 times a day. They must be deep. If the fitness doesn't allow you to do this number of reps, you can divide it into several approaches. The next day, out of habit, the muscles of the legs may ache. At first, it is enough to do squats every other day, and over time, as the muscles strengthen, you should increase the load.
- "Scissors" sitting on the floor - 20 times. The same exercise while lying down - also 20 times.
- "Kalachik" - lying on your back, you should hug your knees as much as possible to your chest and grab them with your hands. Stay in this state for 20 minutes. In this case, it is allowed to swing, which has a good effect on posture and spine.
- Self-massage of the perineum can also be attributed to physical effects on the pelvic organs. Regular massage helps to remove stagnant processes and improve blood circulation.
Such a set of exercises can not only help get rid of prostatitis, but also a good method to prevent its development.
Conservative drug therapy
After passing the diagnosis and confirming the diagnosis, drug therapy is prescribed, consisting of several categories of drugs:
- Antibacterial.
- Muscle relaxants.
- Alpha group adrenergic blockers.
- Immunomodulators.
- Hormonal.
- Rectal suppositories.
Antibiotics of a certain action are prescribed, which tend to accumulate in the prostate and have an antibacterial effect on its tissues. Muscle relaxers help relax the muscles in the pelvic region, which can be strained during an exacerbation of prostatitis.
The combination of treatment with pharmacological drugs with recipes of traditional medicine and an additional course of physiotherapy allows you to successfully combat prostatitis. It is categorically not recommended to delay treatment, since one of the most dangerous complications of the pathology in question is prostate cancer.
Taking care of prevention is easy: you need to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. The main methods of preventive measures include:
- exclusion of cases of hypothermia;
- sufficient physical activity - morning exercises, frequent walking;
- wear loose, loose clothing;
- limit the use of spicy and fried foods and the introduction of foods rich in vitamins and minerals (celery, parsley and others);
- refusal to smoke alcohol and tobacco;
- good rest;
- normal (regular) sex life;
- avoid cases of abstinence;
- course of vitamins and minerals;
- respect for personal hygiene.
In addition, as a prevention of prostatitis, you can use herbal medicines, and herbal preparations and baths not only help to cure the disease, but can also prevent its development.