Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies. The most effective methods

prostatitis in men

Prostatitis is a problem that many representatives of the stronger sex face. How can you eliminate it? Let's consider in more detail the list of the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis, which will be available to everyone.

medications for prostatitis

What is prostatitis

Before understanding the methods of treating the male health problem in question, you need to decide what prostatitis is and what are the main symptoms that accompany this disease.

Prostatitis is a problem that only representatives of the stronger sex can face. This is an inflammation of the prostate, which can only be eliminated by surgery. As for the use of even the most effective folk remedies to treat prostatitis, they are not able to eradicate the problem - their effect is aimed only at muffling the main symptoms of the disease. However, despite the above factor, many medical experts strongly recommend drug treatment for this type of disease, combining it with the use of traditional methods - this way the positive effect will be more striking and will be achieved inas soon as possible.


As practice shows, by eliminating it from everyday life, you can protect yourself from the appearance of the disease, but treating it in this way is impossible.

Among the factors that provoke inflammation of the prostate, first of all, there is the abuse of bad habits, among which alcoholism and smoking occupy the first places. Frequent constipation, as well as prolonged sexual abstinence, can also provoke the development of the disease in question.

Experts in the field of urology often note that prostatitis can occur due to the development of any other infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as a sexually transmitted disease. Its formation can also be caused by a weakened immune system.

The presence of the problem under consideration is typical for representatives of the stronger sex who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is due to the fact that the nature of the disease in this situation is the deterioration of blood microcirculation in the pelvic region, as a result of which microorganisms easily penetrate there, causing harmful effects and provoking an inflammatory process.


How to recognize prostatitis? It should be noted that this disease has quite clear symptoms that cannot be confused with anything.

Already in the early stages of inflammation, a man feels sharp pain in the urethra and urethra. Over time, the discomfort begins to intensify and, as a result, the process of urination becomes almost impossible - urine is released in small quantities, which forces you to go to the toilet very often, and this action sis also accompanied by pronounced pain. Additionally, fine white threads may be seen in the urine of a man with prostatitis.

Symptoms signaling the onset of the inflammatory process include potency disorders that appear suddenly. This is due to the fact that due to the formation of inflammation, the process of blood microcirculation in the pelvic area deteriorates significantly, so that it poorly reaches the penis area, which is why sometimes it happens that'an erection is completely absent. As for the quality of sperm, during the entire period of the disease it is of poor quality, its consistency is quite liquid, and the mass itself is excessively cloudy.

Men with prostatitis experience excessive irritability and increased fatigue.

Medical experts note that all factors listed among the symptoms of prostatitis manifest themselves not individually, but in a complex manner. As soon as a man begins to observe the described changes, he should immediately contact a specialist in the field of urology and undergo a detailed examination. If you delay a visit to the doctor, the problem may develop into a chronic stage, at the beginning of which comprehensive and effective treatment of the disease becomes almost impossible.

Let's consider in more detail a list of effective methods of treating prostatitis, proven by many years of experience.

symptoms and signs of prostatitis

Pumpkin seeds

Zinc is an essential mineral component for maintaining normal male health. An increased content of this substance is observed in pumpkin seeds, which can be used to treat some symptoms of prostatitis, as well as to prevent this disease.

Experts in the field of urology strongly recommend eating about 20-30 fresh and slightly dried pumpkin seeds to everyone who has discovered the first signs of prostatitis, expressed by painful sensations. It should be noted that this product helps to cope with impotence and even prostate hyperplasia.

pumpkin seeds for prostatitis

It has long been no secret that drinking honey quite quickly relieves the main symptoms of prostatitis and the treatment of the disease is much faster. Honey is a product that has healing properties, and also contains many useful minerals and vitamins that are vital for a weakened male body during illness. Based on their knowledge of the effectiveness of honey, many experts in the field of traditional medicine recommend using this ingredient in combination with pumpkin seeds - from these components you can prepare a miraculous mass thanks to whichyou will be able to overcome the disease.

To prepare the honey-pumpkin mass, take 500 g of raw seeds and, after carefully grinding them, mix them with a glass of natural honey, which, ideally, should be liquid. From the resulting mass, form small balls with a diameter of about 1-1. 5 cm, which should be placed in the refrigerator. Once the product is ready, it must be consumed by dissolving a ball before each meal. It should be noted that the product prepared from the specified amount of ingredients is sufficient for the entire upcoming treatment.

Aspen bark

Among the popular drugs for the treatment of prostatitis in men is aspen bark, a remedy that can be purchased inexpensively in city pharmacies. Many people who specialize in treating this problem with folk remedies still recommend collecting it yourself. These tips are motivated by the fact that during a certain collection period (early spring, when the first buds appear on the tree), this ingredient contains a special set of minerals that help stimulate a speedy recovery. The thickness of the collected bark should not exceed 3-5 mm.

After the collection process, the product should be crushed thoroughly and placed in the oven for a short time to dry easily.

To prepare an effective folk remedy for the treatment of prostatitis, you need to take 1/3 of a three-liter jar of bark and fill it to the top with boiling water. After that, the jar must be tightly closed and sent to a dark, warm place for a few weeks. After the specified period, the resulting mass must be filtered - now the infusion will be ready for use.

You need to take a spoon of the product prepared according to the recipe described before each meal.

The use of such a decoction is strictly contraindicated for men with individual intolerance to the presented product, as well as those suffering from constipation or dysbacteriosis.


Numerous reviews of urologists indicate that the most effective remedy for treating prostatitis is hazel. It is from the aerial part of this plant that you can prepare an effective decoction that will help relieve pain symptoms and also improve the process of urination.

To prepare this remedy, you need to take a spoonful of hazel leaves and pour a glass of boiling water over this remedy. The resulting mass should be left to infuse for half an hour under a closed lid, then strain and consume. Some recommendations state that it is best to use a thermos to infuse the product.

The product thus prepared should be consumed within a day, after dividing it into four equal parts.

hazelnut for the treatment of prostatitis


Treatment of chronic prostatitis is possible using a decoction of parsley. To prepare an effective folk remedy, you need to take pre-dried seeds of this plant and grind them into powder using a coffee grinder. After that, 4 teaspoons of the prepared product should be poured with a glass of boiling water and placed in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then the container with the semi-finished broth should be tightly covered with a lid, and its contents should be allowed to infuse.

As soon as the broth has completely cooled, it must be filtered. To achieve a positive effect, the prepared product should be consumed often, but in small portions - one teaspoon, approximately 6 times a day (before each meal).

Reviews of medical experts indicate that treatment of chronic prostatitis in men with this remedy is very effective. This is primarily due to the special qualities of this ingredient. It is known that parsley is a product that has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, especially necessary during the development of the disease in question.

The problem of prostatitis can also be eliminated with the help of parsley juice extracted from the root of the plant. To obtain a positive effect, it must be consumed in minimal quantities, before meals.


To treat prostatitis at home, ordinary garlic is ideal, which also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the human body. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to take five peeled cloves of garlic, carefully crush or chop very finely, then pour boiling water (half a liter). After mixing the mixture, cover the container and let it steep overnight. You can start using this medicine in the morning. This should be done on an empty stomach, twice a day (a quarter of a glass). Before using the product, it is advisable to filter it through cheesecloth or a sieve.

Rhodiola rosea

How to treat prostatitis with folk remedies? The most effective product suitable for creating a tincture that eliminates the problem, according to many experts in the field of traditional medicine, is Rhodiola rosea - a plant that not only has anti-inflammatory properties, but also containsmany useful components for the male body.

To prepare a good remedy for prostatitis, you should use only the root part of the plant, which is sold in dried and crushed form in pharmacies in Russian cities. Pour a tablespoon of this product into a glass of boiling water and place it on the stove for 5 minutes to boil over very low heat. After the specified time has passed, the product should be filtered and started to be taken in small portions - half a glass twice a day (before eating).

Rhodiola rosea for the treatment of prostatitis


It should be noted that when using this remedy, you must strictly adhere to its dosage, since celandine is a plant that not only has anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties, but also contains substances that, if usedingested in excessive quantities can cause poisoning.

To prepare a folk remedy for the treatment of prostatitis, you need to take the specified plant and extract the juice from it, which has a peculiar orange color. The product should be mixed with alcohol in equal proportions. You can use a product prepared in this way immediately after its creation, diluting it with purified water.

Doctors' reviews indicate that treatment of prostatitis with a folk remedy based on celandine juice is quite effective and harmless only if the dosages are strictly observed. So you need to start taking it with just one drop of a freshly prepared product, diluted with a quarter of a glass of water. Every day you need to add one more drop to the previous volume. Finally, a month later, the man will drink a remedy consisting of 50 ml of water and 30 drops of celandine juice mixed with alcohol.

The optimal period for treating prostatitis at home with this method is 60 days. After this period, it is recommended to take a break for a few weeks and then repeat all the steps.


According to many experts in the field of traditional medicine, the treatment of prostatitis will be effective if you use an infusion based on Kalanchoe.

To prepare the product, you should use only fresh leaves of this plant, which must be crushed beforehand. A glass of this product should be filled with 500 ml of vodka, shaken, tightly closed and sent to a dark, fairly cool place for further infusion. As practice shows, the most effective drug for treating prostatitis will be ready after five days.

When the product is ready, it must be filtered through cheesecloth or a sieve, then left in the refrigerator until further use. Treatment of the disease with tincture based on Kalanchoe is carried out by taking the drug orally. The optimal daily dose is considered to be 1 teaspoon. until all signs characterizing the presence of the disease are eliminated.

Some experts in the field of urology advise taking the product prepared in the described manner to prevent prostatitis - 1 tbsp. during the week.

If you want to overcome the disease, you can prepare another remedy, also based on Kalanchoe. To prepare it, you need to take 100 g of fresh leaves of the product in question and, having passed them through a meat grinder, pour in a glass of ordinary medical alcohol. Then the mass must be mixed and hermetically sealed. The product should be infused in a cool, dark place for 20 days.

To eliminate the symptoms of prostatitis and treat this disease, a well-infused and well-filtered remedy should be consumed in one teaspoon, three times a day (20-30 minutes before starting a heavy meal). Reviews about taking this homemade medicine indicate that immediately after the start of monthly treatment, a significant reduction in pain syndromes, which necessarily accompany the process of inflammation, becomes noticeable.

Kalanchoe for the treatment of prostatitis


All fans of traditional medicine have long known about the miraculous properties of wheatgrass, the action of which is directly aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes and improving urination. That is why this ingredient is often used to effectively treat prostatitis using folk methods.

To prepare a suitable decoction, take the dried roots of this plant and grind them carefully. After that, they should be completely filled with cold water (it is advisable to use purified water) and left to infuse overnight until the roots begin to swell. As soon as this happens, cold water should be drained and the prepared wheatgrass roots should be poured with 1. 5 liters of boiling water. The container with its contents should be well covered and wrapped in a terry towel. In this form, the product must be left to infuse for an hour, then carefully drain.

Treatment of prostatitis with a folk remedy based on wheatgrass roots involves daily use of the prepared decoction, three times a day, half a glass.


For a long time, walnut mass has been recognized as the most effective folk remedy for treating prostatitis. To prepare it, you need to take a kilogram of peeled walnut kernels and grind them in any way convenient for you (preferably in a meat grinder). After that, you need to add the same amount of peeled sunflower seeds to the mixture. The ingredients should be mixed and consumed every morning, one tablespoon, after combining the components with chopped onion.

Treatment of prostatitis with bee products

Reviews of most specialists in the field of urology often indicate that the treatment of prostatitis in men will be especially effective if traditional processes are combined with the use of bee products. It has long been known that honey, propolis and bee pollen can not only have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect on the body, but also have a direct effect on the normalization of the functioning of all its vital systems.

In order to prevent inflammation and calm the processes already taking place in the male body, you need to eat a spoonful of natural honey every morning (on an empty stomach). Pollen should be consumed in the same way (1 teaspoon).

To prepare the most effective medicine for the treatment of prostatitis, you can use dead fruits, which are always sold by beekeepers. In order to make a quality product, you need to take a few spoons of this component and pour it with 500 ml of water cooled to room temperature. In this composition, the mass should be placed on low heat and gradually brought to a boil, then immediately removed from the heat.

Once the product has cooled and at the same time infused (after two hours), it must be filtered. Reviews about the treatment of prostatitis with a traditional medicine based on podmora often say that it perfectly helps to cope with painful sensations that accompany the process of inflammation. To achieve the fastest possible effect, the decoction should be consumed one tablespoon three times a day. Some recommendations left by experts in the field of treatment with folk remedies indicate that the infusion can be mixed with honey. Any remaining product should be stored in the refrigerator.

Speaking about the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies, one should not forget about propolis. This product is known to have excellent anti-inflammatory effects, which will be noticeable after 3-4 days of proper use of the product. To treat the disease, you need to drink 40 drops of propolis tincture every day, dissolved in half a glass of cold purified water, 20-30 minutes before starting a meal. The optimal duration of treatment in this way is 1. 5 months.

treatment of prostatitis with bee products

A small number of people know that chronic prostatitis can be treated with enemas. For this action, you must first prepare the right solution, consisting of 40 g of natural propolis, 2 ml of cocoa butter and a glass of ordinary medical alcohol. All ingredients taken in the specified quantities should be combined in a single container, mixed and then used in small quantities. To create a solution suitable for single use, you need to take 2 g of the prepared mass and dissolve it in half a glass of water. Using the resulting mass, you need to do an enema. This procedure should be done daily for a few months. After the specified period, you need to take a break for a month, and then repeat the same course.

Numerous reviews left by experts in the field of traditional medicine indicate that the treatment of prostatitis in men can be carried out using anal suppositories, which are easy to make yourself. To prepare the products, you need to combine a whole chicken egg with a teaspoon of honey (it is better to use fresh) and three tablespoons of rye flour in a bowl. After mixing all the listed ingredients, the total mass acquires the consistency of a thick paste from which small candles should be formed. Prepared products should be placed in the freezer, then used for their intended purpose in the morning and evening, one piece at a time.

Use hot baths

Some experts in the field of urology note in their reviews that the best treatment for prostatitis will be when, along with classical treatment, a man takes hot baths with the addition of decoctions of medicinal herbs. Next, let's consider the most effective of them, which has long been recognized by the stronger sex.

To prepare a decoction suitable for bathing, you need to mix dried sage leaves, linden inflorescences, thyme and chamomile in equal proportions. After that, pour five tablespoons of this mixture with boiling water (2 cups) and let the mixture brew for about an hour. The finished product should be poured into a small basin and left there for about 20-25 minutes. To achieve a positive result, this procedure must be done every evening for a few weeks.

Experts in the field of medicine note this method as quite effective, but they recommend taking a shower after each use of such a bath. In addition, they often note that this type of therapy is excellent not only for relieving the painful symptoms of prostatitis and inflammation, but also for preventing the onset of a disease of this nature.